Tuesday, March 8, 2022

What's Out Your Window?

Tina's schedule is very busy these days but we still take time every weekday morning to chat.  We talk about what is on for the day, what happened the day before and any appointments coming up.  We always want to know about a meal that might have been delivered.  Every once in awhile we might even talk about the weather.  The easiest way to do that is to just turn our device around and show what we are looking at outside our window.
Our views are all quite different.  It's kind of fun seeing the world through each other's lens and sometimes it's really hard. That's what these chats do for us....we look through the world through the eyes of each other as we walk through Tina's journey with her.

Yesterday, Tina took her new walker for a spin.  She discovered that the sidewalks are not very smooth and ended up falling.  She landed on her knees this time and thankfully didn't hurt herself too much.  I thought of this as I went out for a quick walk tonight.

Last night, an old friend, Scott Carpenter brought pizza for supper.  Tina said that it was really good.  Thanks Scott! 

Dr. Melanson's office called about the radicava medication.  Once we find out more about that we will let you know.

Tina was able to get to Hart n Hart to order a couple of "I'm STEELE Standing" shirts.  Once she gets them we will show them on the blog. If you are interested in ordering one, you can contact Hart n Hart directly.  Their information is:  111 Industrial Boulevard, Napanee, Ontario  Phone number:  613-354-9554. 

Approximate prices:
  • T-shirts - $25.00
  • Hats - $20.00
  • Sweatshirts - $35.00
  • Polos - $35.00

What's your view today?  You can look out and see snow and complain or you can see the beauty that it brings.  It might be raining.  Do you complain about the cloudy day or look for the rainbow that might come after?  I'm trying not to complain about the aches in my body as I look through Tina's eyes and see her positive attitude.  Enjoy the view you have today.  Find the beauty outside your window.

We are STEELE standing!  

Thanks for standing with us!  Keep praying!

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