Friday, August 26, 2022

"It's Your Birthday But I Get the Gift"

It was Carol's birthday yesterday and she was able to spend some time at the beach and have some sushi and cake to celebrate.  She also spent some time on the Westjet site to look for tickets and pulled the plug and booked tickets.

When Carol told Tina that she was booked to go to Ontario later in September, Tina said, "It's your birthday but I got the gift."  I think Tina was pretty happy to get that news.

It will be nice for Carol and Tina to have some time together.


Yesterday,  Jenn and Emma spent the day with Tina.  They got there a little later because of an appointment.  Tina had learned two things today:

1) she can ask google to set an alarm to get people to help her.

2) That Google does not understand her correctly when she has the bipap on.  She tried to call mom on google and ended up having to hang up on 5 different people before she got mom.  So if you are on Tina's contact list and got a hang up from an unknown number yesterday, that was Tina!

Tina said that she is trying to be a good girl and use the mask more to help with her breathing.

We are STEELE standing and one of us will be flying next month.

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Time Goes By

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