Monday, March 14, 2022

Too Fast...Too Slow


When Tina asked me to document her journey, I cried.  Anyone that knows me, knows that that isn't surprising.  I told her that I would try and keep it to the facts and throw in some humour along the way. Today, is the day for facts.

Did you know that approximately 3,000 people are  diagnosed with ALS in Canada each year?  Each year 1,000 people die from ALS, just in Canada.

What's too fast?

  • ALS!  
  • Last March Tina was able to work and do pretty much whatever she wanted.  This March she can hardly get out of chair by herself.
  • In December, she could shower and wash her hair by herself and now she needs help with both.
  • Two weeks ago her hands were not bad and now she can't straighten her fingers out.
  • Even Mel, the Home Care has noticed how quickly things are changing.
  • It's progressing too fast and we want it to STOP!

So what's too slow?

  • approval of new medications for ALS.  This is copied from Leanne Yacyshyn who is suffering from ALS, " before being diagnosed with #ALS I never would have believed that for a disease so horrible, no effective treatments would be available."
  • getting in for appointments and hearing about when new medication can be started.

What else is too slow?  Alexa, how long?  130 days to Sister Three Cottage Time!  Alexa always adds, "it's going to be a good time."

Once again, we want to say thank you to those that have continued to shower Tina with blessings.  Nancy, a long time church friend, dropped off some squares last week with all the right ingredients to make them delicious.  Melissa, a friend of Tina's showed up on the weekend with another meal.  You have no idea how much these meals and treats are appreciated. They have also had to start a new row for hanging all the beautiful cards that they had received.

With only one hour of homecare a day, visits, calls and meals will be so appreciated.

Meal Train for Tina

We have 3 more followers on Tina's journey: Jane (Janie), a long time family friend and Kathie and Tammy who know all about STEELE Standing!  

Homework for the day:  enjoy every moment!  We don't know what tomorrow will bring but we have right now.

My dishwasher stopped working a couple of weeks ago.  I jokingly said to Tina, "you think you have problems, I have to wash dishes by hand."  We laughed and she told me that I needed to put this in the blog.  I hate doing dishes but I would willingly wash dishes for the rest of my life if Tina didn't have ALS anymore.  If only it was that easy.  

We are STEELE standing and it's time for me to go and wash my dishes.

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Time Goes By

Tears still come when I think of Tina.  It was two years ago today when her fight with ALS ended.  At only 55, my baby sister took her last ...