This week Tina's heart was broken. Tina and Tamara were friends from when they were teenagers. They later became connected through marriage. They spent lots of times together when there children were young, finding many adventures along the way. Through thick and thin, their friendship grew. They had regular dinner nights. Tamara worked at the hospital and was there when our dad needed stints after his heart attack. She had a heart of gold and a personality that lit up any room that she entered. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer. Tam fought hard but on Wednesday Tina lost one of her best friends.
Goodbyes are so hard |
Wednesday - Pastor Herb came for a visit and Anthony came to spend the day. Mom was also there doing her regular thing of laundry, cleaning and straightening. Mom sat down to visit with us for a bit on our video chat.
Thursday - Once again, there was a different homecare worker. It is so nice when it is the same person all of the time. There are little things like a person knocking at the front door while Tina sits in her chair and not being able to unlock the door. She ended up phoning the person and telling them to go to the other door. Once the homecare worker finds her way in, she needs to have all the explanations of what is needed. After 45 minutes, she is gone to her next client. When Mel or Janelle arrive they know the routine and get so much more done. Janelle will be back for Tuesday!
Later in the day, Percy arrived with a nice delivery. Ron, my husband, joked when he saw the picture and said, "didn't he know that he is supposed to bring the meal cooked." Actually, this is amazing. There are so many meals here ready for those nights when you need that easy dinner. Way to go, Percy!
On Friday, Tina got a call from Homecare and found out that the worker that came on Thursday tested positive for covid. The workers that come now need to be fully gowned because Tina was exposed to covid. We are hoping that she stays free of that.
Anthony came and spent the day. Mom came over and made cookies and they are going fast. Austin ordered Tina book and then did a puzzle.
Tina was able to get grocery shopping. She enjoyed picking out things herself. Independence is different these days but so important to keep.
She also got to a beautiful park in our hometown. Spring Side is the place to see if you are in the area and it was good for Tina to be able to enjoy the rushing falls.
It was a full day and for supper Austin made Tina his speciality....strawberry, banana smoothie with yoghurt. They are nutritious and delicious.
Carol mentioned this week that she is "trying to be as strong as Tina." Carol's daughter-in-law, Jen told us that if we need to cry, just cry. We are learning so much about ALS and learning how strong Tina is. We want to be there for her through this journey so we continue with our morning chats. We sometimes laugh, sometimes cry and sometimes are just quiet (not too often). One of the blessings in disguise is that we do have these times. No matter how much our day might fill up, we like to start with the "Sister Three" chat time.
Remembering those we love....Valuing those we have....Making memories along the way!
We are STEELE Standing.
We have 15 actual followers...welcome Carol (sister), Jen B (niece) and Jenn D (niece/daughter of mine). We have a lot more readers. Thanks for following Tina's journey.
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