Monday, August 8, 2022

Update from the hospital

I will keep this in real time as it seems easier to keep it straight in my head.


11:52 a.m. - Jenn was working and popped in to check on Tina.  She sent this: “Aunt Tina has more colour.  She drank a good amount of water.  They are holding off on IV for now but have it ready if needed.  She is going to email Dr. Melanson to let him know she is here. And we got a call bell she can use!”

1:20 p.m. - “she has ate some ice cream and had a bite of a club sandwich.  This is her second glass of water.” - from Jenn

Carol told Jenn to tell Tina that her garden is looking great as she tries to work away anxiety.  I added, that my garden looks horrible and causes me anxiety.  

At 7:48 p.m., Carol asked, “How’s the bp?”  I thought for a while wondering what this short form was and then asked, “Does this stand for Baby Princess or Bad patient?”  When she responded with “blood pressure” I realized how badly my brain is currently working.

Jenn responded that Tina’s blood pressure is perfect!

Jenn’s final update of the evening was at 8:33 p.m., “fluid intake up, still gets nauseous and tired out after being up. Was able to have a conversation and was smiling today and giving orders.  She drank two glasses of water.”

9:31 p.m. -  Tina not good. She made several trips to the washroom with help and a wheelchair. At supper she ate all of her mac & cheese first good eat since Mon last.


9:57 a.m. - Jenn was working again and popped in .  Tina was being taken for a shower.

I received a message from Casey, a friend of Tina’s to see how she could help.  She was willing to go and sit at the hospital with Tina but unfortunately is not allowed.  We have been overwhelmed with the number of people who have reached out to help, pray and just offer words of encouragement and comfort.

We are thankful that Tina STEELE has a voice and can STEELE give orders.  We are also happy that she is STEELE our “Baby Princess” and hopefully she isn’t a “bad patient.”  We will give an update later on her bp!!!

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