Monday, August 1, 2022

Our Trip Home

Carol and I just missed a visit from two cousins.  Michelle (from Atlanta) and Kim stopped to have a visit with Tina not long after we had left for Ottawa.

Our trip back to our homes was a full day and a little more. We (Carol, Sarah, Sarah and I) drove about two hours to the airport.  We got there with lots of time to wait.  We would have liked to take this time to eat but most things were closed or either super expensive at the airport.  

We boarded the plane and flew the four hours to the Calgary airport.  The flight was good with just a few turbulences.

Mike was there to pick Carol up at the airport.  They started their drive home around 10:00 p.m.  Mike drove through the night, with just a short stop, and then Carol took over at 5:00 a.m.  They made it for the 8:45 a.m. ferry to the island. They had another hour and a half drive and they were home.
Augie was happy Mom was back home. Carol has her granddaughter, Alexis and her boyfriend visiting for awhile. 
Our trip from the airport wasn’t as long but we got home about the same time as Carol.  We stayed overnight at an airport hotel and then had to drag Sarah out of bed in the morning.  We stopped at a Costco on the way and loaded up with groceries.  Our actual drive was two and a half hours.  We made it home early afternoon.  The weather is super hot here!

Ron is back to work tonight.  The first time in almost a month.  We were so thankful for our Sister Three Cottage Time.  We need to get back into the routine on our video chats.

We are STEELE Standing…

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