Monday, June 20, 2022

Father STEELE, Awareness and Looking Forward

Yesterday was Father's Day and I missed putting up a post about dad.  Our dad is the youngest of 8 siblings.  The STEELE family only have two left standing, dad and Aunt June.  He even lost a brother, Uncle Pete to ALS.  Unfortunately ALS is not new to our family.

Dad and mom married in 1957.  Three years later, Carol was born.  I came along 3 years after that and Tina, four years after me.  Dad was always the one to keep the fun going.  He liked to get a baseball game going in the back yard, a quick drive to the quarry for a swim or a bike ride trip around town.  In the winter, we often had a backyard rink with sometimes an igloo that dad would build.  When the snow was right we would go to the golf course to go tobogganing.  He enjoyed taking us on all kinds of adventures.

Dad retired when he turned 60 after many years of working at Dupont.  Dad has always loved to visit with anyone that comes along.  His legs aren't great anymore but today he went strawberry picking.  His favourite place to be right now is in their sunroom and keep an eye on the neighbourhood.  

One of the funny things that we used to do with dad and still try sometimes is mention something to get dad to sing a song that goes with it.  For example, if we saw a yellow ribbon we would say, "Is that a yellow ribbon?"  Dad would usually start to sing, "Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree."  Carol, Tina and I will have to try and think of some other things to throw out there when we get to the cottage to see if we can still get Dad singing.

Happy Father's Day to our STEELE Patriarch!


This week Tina has lots of different people staying with her.  Today, she had her homecare worker, the nurse and Respite.  Mom and Dad stopped in and brought strawberries and chocolate.

Tomorrow, Judy will be there and then she will have to go to her appointment at Providence Care where she will see "all" the doctors again.

Wednesday, mom will be there.  Jenn will be there on Thursday.  Janie is coming on Friday and Saturday, Nancy D. will be there.  Thank you to all who are giving their time and spending time with Tina.


What Causes ALS?

There is no one thing that causes ALS. Rather, ALS is recognized as having multiple interacting causes that are likely based on changes in people’s genes, and possibly contribution of environmental factors. A number of genes have been identified as playing a role in the development of ALS. Through research, we are learning more about ALS and the multiple factors that may trigger its development.

Copied from ALS Society of Canada


Counting down the month from today Carol and I (along with Ron and Sarah) will be flying to Ontario.  Cottage time will start two days after that!  

Looking forward to that Sister Three time!  We so appreciate all of you STEELE Standing with us!

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Time Goes By

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