Well, it's back to day zero again....if we are counting how many days without incidences for Tina.
On Saturday, Tina made her way to the washroom. She is "usually" able to get there on her own. On that day, something went wrong. She fell and banged up her face pretty bad. The result was a huge goose egg and two black eyes. 😥
Tina is pretty amazing though. She doesn't lose her sense of humour. She told us on Monday that she was never really good with eye shadow so this was a way of testing out a new colour. The Respite worker was there when she told us and laughed and said "I love your sense of humour."
We would like to have Tina sign an agreement when we go to the cottage that she will not have any falls or injuries while we are there. Ron said that we just need to bubble wrap her. Perhaps we could get one of these for the lake:
So, let's step back a few days to catch up on what else has been going on besides bumps and bruises. On Saturday (before the fall), Tammy (a cousin) came to spend the day. They had a great time. They picked up pizza and headed back to Frizzell road to see Gary (Tammy's brother) and Denise. They had a really nice day. Thanks Tammy for sharing some of your time with Tina.
On Monday, Tina was back to her regular homecare. Yes! The majority of people that have come to help Tina have been more than amazing. They show that they care and really want to help the people that they work with. Tina's regular homecare worker, Janelle is Tina's angel. She is caring and puts in the extra effort to braid her hair and make sure that she is comfortable before she leaves. She has asked her not to be sick or take holidays! The Respite that came on Monday was new and was really good. She worked around Tina and cleaned the house and took care of Tina's needs. Tina is hoping that she will be back. The nurse came to check Tina out and said that she will need to watch the lines under her eyes. There is bleeding under the skin.
Today Judy was back for her regular Tuesday time with Tina. The weather wasn't good enough for the convertible but Judy had been doing some research on some stretches that they might try.
Carol and I made the video chat from my house. Yes, Carol and Augie came for a visit and what a blessing to have her her for a week.
We have done a little touring around my neighbourhood, enjoyed some meals and lots of coffee and tea and I put her to work on my gardens. They look amazing! We are having our Sister Two time and are looking forward to the Sister Three Cottage week. Carol and I are hoping to order our STEELE Standing shirts today from
HartnHart. We noticed that Tina had her STEELE Standing shirt on when she fell.
Tina has to go for her breathing test later this week. Tina also joked about that. Jenn will be going in with her and she just had her wisdom teeth out. They will look like they have been in a brawl. Tina has two black eyes and bruising and Jenn has swelling and could possibly have black eyes too. They will be asking who won?
So to continue with more information in regards to ALS Awareness Month...

How ALS works in the body
Our brain is connected to our muscles through millions of specialized nerve cells, called motor neurons, which serve as our bodies’ internal wiring and enable us to move our bodies as we choose. Motor neurons work in pairs: an upper motor neuron in the brain extends to the brainstem at the back of the neck or the spinal cord, and a lower motor neuron extends from the brainstem or spinal cord to the muscle. The brain sends a signal along these motor neurons telling a muscle to contract. This signal is an electrical impulse created by chemicals in our neurons.
In ALS, motor neurons gradually break down and die. This means that the brain can no longer communicate with the muscles of the body. As a result, the muscles become weak and eventually someone living with ALS will be unable to move them.
Once again, we can't thank you all enough for being there for Tina. She continues and will continue to need care and people to come and visit. We appreciate your support in whatever way you can help. Thank you for sending her messages and for continuing to pray.
Tina may have had another fall but she is STEELE Standing and we are too.
Jenn has updated the new meal train if you are interested in helping in this way. You can click this link to pick a date: Meal Train for Tina
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