Friday, October 28, 2022

Happy Birthday to Mom!

Today our mom turns 82.  She had already left the house this morning when I called.  She was with Tina at the hospital.  Tina had eaten a half of a muffin and then wanted to lay on her side.

Picture taken on their 60th anniversary 

I wondered this morning what mom would have been doing if she wasn’t at the bedside by her youngest daughter.  She would have probably gone out for breakfast and hopefully got a free one due it being her birthday.  They may go out for lunch since a lady from mom and dad’s church was coming to sit with Tina.

Mom has been so faithful to be there for Tina.  She is on the top of Tina’s list to call when she needs anything.

Happy birthday mom from all of us!  We love you!!

If you are interested in going to sit with Tina at the hospital she would love to have you there for a few hours to give her a drink or two, feed her a meal and try and make her comfortable.  You might be able to give mom a break some time.  We appreciate your support.

Tina was moved to a semi-private room so if you have been there before….she has moved.

Oh….and Happy Birthday to Hilda who shares the exact day and year for her birthday.  Two special ladies born on this day 82 years ago!

STEELE Standing….

1 comment:

Time Goes By

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