Saturday, April 30, 2022

Help Wanted

Tina sent me some adventures of her day today so I thought that was a nudge to do another post.  

Tina was able to get out for a drive.  They went to Picton and if you do this trip right it should include a ferry.  I guess they did it right!

There isn't much better than a drive on a nice day unless of course you can lay out on your deck.
My last entry was only on Wednesday but in the life of Tina so many things can happen in a few days.  So let's catch up.

On Thursday, the Occupational Therapist called while we were doing our video chat. She will put in a request to get the foot rest fixed.  It's good that it can be taken care of...should we get mom some driving lessons for the wheelchair?

The OT also said that she would be stopping in some time next week to get the quote signed for the chair lift to go on the stairs.  

Judy (cousin), arrived in the morning full of cheer and looking spiffy.  Tina said that they had the greatest day.  They went for a drive, picked up subway and had a picnic.  Tina wasn't even tired.  Next time Judy said that she would bring her convertible and she promised me that she would take pictures. 

Pastor Herb, Dianne and Jason came for a visit and brought a chicken...a cooked one.

On Friday, mom was back on duty.  She was buzzing around the house while we did our morning visit.  Tina said that dad was coming up for lunch.

The ramp was completed this week and it is a job well done.  Thanks John and team.
Carol asked the question, "Are the pails at the bottom to slow you down."  Tina did say that she actually walked up the ramp!!

Next week Tina's team will be:  
  • Monday - respite
  • Tuesday - Vicki
  • Wednesday - mom
  • Thursday - Jenn
  • Friday - mom

Job Duties:
  • provide snacks/meals upon request (food provided)
  • outdoor walks if the weather is nice
  • take part in Sister Three chats if you arrive before 10:15 a.m.
  • walk her to the bathroom and be willing to assist as needed
  • sometimes watch her sleep 
  • be willing to be bossed around :)
Compensation:  a huge thank you!

If you are interested in volunteering a day or two weekly/monthly, please contact the boss....Tina!  Mom has been doing a lot and we would really appreciate any help.  They have a whiteboard to keep track of the comings and goings at the house.

Thank you to Judy, Jenn, Thelma, Vicki and especially mom who has already helped.  I have heard that Tina isn't so bad of a boss and really isn't too bossy either.  Really!

Tina is STEELE Standing and we appreciate all those that are standing with her!  She continues to encourage us with her optimistic attitude.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Some Good News

I better not wait too long before posting my next blog.  We appreciate all those that show so much concern for us and want to make sure that we are STEELE Standing.

On Monday, Tina had a full day of activity.  Her Homecare worker came in the morning to get her ready for the day.  The nurse came to check in on Tina through the day.  She had Respite for the afternoon.

Vicki came for a visit.❤️

The girls had a nice visit as always.  Vicki brought flowers and chicken mac and cheese for dinner.
On Tuesday, the Homecare worker came in the morning and mom was there to spend the day.  Tina called a little later than usual because her and mom were outside.  Carol and I often wait until Tina calls us because she is the busiest one with all of her appointments.  Ron and I were on our way to Calgary when the call came in.  I had to have my four year follow up appointment for my thyroid cancer....all good!!πŸ˜ƒ
Tina went shopping with mom and Austin.  Mom had a bit of struggle getting Tina up the ramp and then ended up banging the wheelchair a little bit in the store....the good news is that Tina still has her feet....the bad news is that she now has to put both feet on the one foot rest.  Ooops!πŸ€ͺ

Tina and Mom figured out that even wheelchair bathrooms are not always wheelchair accessible.  We may never notice these things.  Mom and Tina went into the bathroom and the wheelchair accessible stall was right when you open the door.  While trying to maneuver Tina into the stall, they were blocking the door.  

Tina said that the shopping trip was successful.  She was looking for some new pants.  She said that it was a little tricky.  She needed comfy and also needed them easy for others to pull up.  Am I giving too much information?  This is the life of an ALS person.  They slowly give up their independence and not all people are so positive about it as Tina.  We are so thankful for her attitude.   The shopping consisted of Tina picking out pants that she liked.  If they passed her test then she would ask mom to have them pass hers.  Finally, the votes were in and new pants were purchased!πŸ‘–

On Wednesday morning, mom was back with Tina for the day.  The schedule was a busy one.  She had physio scheduled and then Paramed was coming.  They are responsible for Respite which consists of a few hours each week.  They came to ask questions about how it was going.  What is Tina asking the person to do and is this enough hours for her?

I asked Tina how her mobility was.  We don't see her moving too much when we are doing our video chats and sometimes we only see the top of her head or the ceiling.  πŸ‘€She said that since her hospital stint she has lost most of her arm movement.  She can move them a little more in the morning than later in the day.  Sometimes Tina has chips at night and she works hard to get them up to her mouth.  That is called incentive physiotherapy.  πŸ’ͺ Mom said that Tina can still walk with help.  We are hoping that this is a plateau and that it will last for years.  Of course, we really want to see it reversed altogether.πŸ™

Our morning chats usually consist of a little entertainment.  This morning this little ripper was playing with both a cat and a big dog.  Auggie is great amusement.  Carol has had so much sadness and this little guy is letting a little bit of sunshine back in.  He also gives her lots of work!
Carol also has some other exciting news to share.   Xarra, Carol’s only daughter, is expecting! 
A new little life is expected on or around November 9th.  It’s so refreshing to be able to share good news!

So April has been more than a tough month but we are ending it with something exciting to look forward to.

We are all STEELE Standing.  We are STEELE looking ahead and we STEELE appreciate all of you!

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Keep Quacking

I've been slacking this week with keeping up with Tina's blog.  Sarah has had this week off due to the Easter break.  Stephen and Kylie came with their two dogs for a visit for a couple of days.  I even missed our Friday morning chat because I slept in.  Hopefully Tina doesn't fire me!  I better get to work.  I'm not sure when my review will happen.

Monday - During our morning chat, Tina was waiting patiently for her home care worker to arrive.  She was running late and was hoping to be there sometime between 9 and 11.  The nurse was supposed to come at 11:00 and she had called and said that she would be there around 11:30.  Respite was scheduled for the afternoon.  The homecare worker arrived around 10:30 which cut our call short but gave her time to have a shower before the nurse arrived.

Percy brought a meat loaf for supper. 

Tuesday - Edie, our cousin, came to do Tina's taxes.  Tina usually does her own taxes and this year it was very frustrating for her to even get the paperwork together but Edie came to the rescue. Thanks Edie!

Judy, another cousin (and it happens to be her birthday today - Happy Birthday Cous!) brought a full meal, including brownies.  

Crystal and Ryan (Judy's son and daughter-in-law) sent two gift cards, one for Dominos pizza and another for gas. 

Tina shared with us a dream.  She dreamt that she was having a bath.  As she was sitting in the tub, she thought I got in here by myself I wonder if I can get out.  In this dream, she did.  She was excited when she told us.  Praying for a miracle.

Wednesday - Mom has been around a lot of this week.  She works to keep the house in order and spent some extra time sorting clothes and getting rid of things that Tina can't wear anymore.  

A new lift chair arrived.  We have been watching from provinces away at Tina's frustration when she wants to get out of her chair.  This new one is run by a remote and can lift her gently out.  I think others may want to play with it. 

A different wheel chair came too.  Tina had Anthony and Mom both take it for a spin.  It seemed to work better than the others.  She is looking forward to warmer days and more walks.

Thursday - Mom and Tina sorted jewelry today.  Tina has lots.  She has a huge jewelry box.    Tina needs help to be dressed and would definitely need help if she needed to wear any jewelry. Tina said that we could put a different anklet on her every day when we are at the cottage. Alexa tells me that it is 90 days until Sister Three Cottage Time.

Larry and Barb came for a visit.  Larry and Barb are two of the nicest people I know.  They helped when Ron and I were in youth and probably when Tina was there too.  They welcomed so many people into their home.  They arrived at Tina's with a full dinner and a dessert.  

Friday - Dolores, a lady from our old home church, brought a meal for Tina and Austin.  New friends, older friends and even some people that Tina hardly know have been blessing Tina with meals, gift cards, gifts and visits.

Work on the ramp began.

Saturday - Work continued on the ramp.

Tina doesn't post a lot on facebook but when she does I always take notice.  This is her most recent post:

I think a lot of us can relate to this post.  Life seems to be so crazy these days.  We are so thankful that Tina has a positive attitude and still has her sense of humour.  I loved the comments following her post and I just had to share one from one of our STEELE cousins....and yes, we do have a lot of cousins!

From Janice:  "Keep quacking Tina.  Ducks have a funny way of finding their way home." 

That's a week in the life of Tina...she is STEELE Standing and STEELE Quacking!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter!

On Thursday, Mom was there with Tina and between the two of them they were able to fill me in on the many blessings that have been happening.  Mom has been spending lots of time with Tina.  She cooks, cleans, and does laundry.  So many people have been showing their love and support to Tina.

  • Aunt June and Uncle Tom - Maple Syrup (sweetest gift ever!)
  • Uncle Morley and Aunt Elaine - Pizza Hut Gift Card (any night is a good night for a pizza night)
  • Cousin, Janice  - Tim Horton's Gift Card (who doesn't love that)
  • Thelma, old friend for me, and new for Tina - came to spend Tuesday with Tina.  She never comes empty handed.  She brought Chicken Tortellini and cookies.  She also took Tina for a walk.
  • Anthony - took his mom for a walk
  • Lynne, family friend - muffins (Tina enjoys muffins through the day and it's a nice snack for the boys)
  • John, old friend - came for a visit from out of town
  • Pastor Herb, Pastor Herb's brother, and his son came to visit
  • Morning Star have been sending in meals
  • Abby, from Salvation Army came to visit and brought an Easter Basket....a very large one.

The building permit for the wheel chair ramp has been approved and John will start working on it soon.

When Tina and I were talking she stated that "You can't out give God."  Blessings of food, meals, gift cards and money have been given to Tina.

Happy Easter from Sister Three....we are STEELE Standing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Strength...One Step at a Time

Tina and I spent a little longer on our chat on Monday to catch up.  It was good that she was feeling well enough to fill in some blanks from the past weeks. 

When Tina spent time in the hospital she lost more movement in her arms.  While in there, she was definitely not feeling well and was left in the bed for most of the time.  Normally, she does stretches every day as directed by her physiotherapist.  The stretches help with the tightening of the muscles, tendons and ligaments and reduce pain.  She also didn't get the meds to help slow down the ALS.  They were lost and still not recovered.

When Tina finally got home from the hospital, it took her a few days to be able to even walk at all.  Her walking is slow and with help now.  She can't lift her foot to go up a step but if her foot is lifted and she has assistance she can do it.

Tina continues to have one hour a day with Home Care.  This person usually comes in the morning and helps Tina get ready for her day.  They have been allotted another 4 hours a week for a PSW to come in and help.

A nurse comes in twice a week to check Tina's vitals.  They check her blood pressure, breathing, oxygen level, etc.  She is there to answer and ask any questions about new conditions that come up.  The nurse is requesting a brace for Tina's hand as her fingers are twisting.

There are two whiteboards to keep track of appointments, who is scheduled to come and spend time with Tina and any meals that might be arriving.  

Thelma has spent 2 days with Tina over the past couple of weeks.  Mom picks up any days when Tina will be alone. Jenn was supposed to come tomorrow and Emma was going to spend the weekend but Covid arrived at their house and so those days now need to be filled.

The meals continue to flood in.  Paul brought Shepherd's Pie.  Melissa brought in a lasagna.  Thelma brought a sub, Easter cookies, marshmallows squares, lasagna and french bread. Others have brought things and we thank you for all of your generosity. 

Yesterday, Tina wasn't feeling the best but was able to still make it to an appointment at the bank.  These appointments are a challenge to Tina now.  She must depend on others to help her all along the way and hope that she feels up to going.

Today, Tina went to the lawyer's for a quick appointment.  She wanted to make sure that her Will, Power of Attorney and Personal Directive were all up to date. 

Tina's MRI still needs to be rebooked.  It was cancelled when she was in the hospital.

On Sunday, Tina went for a drive to the cottage that we have booked for July.  Tina is excited and nervous about that week.  I told her to be more excited and less nervous.  We will make memories.  The cottage and the water front looks perfect for Tina.  Please pray that Tina will be able to get into that water....that's our goal.  Pray for a plateau in this disease or even better, a healing. πŸ™


Carol's life right now...her house is quieter.  She still has a couple extra people in her house.  Mike and Tyler went away for a couple of days and Carol was feeling a little off without her rock being there.  Mike has been a constant support for Carol through this very difficult family time.

Her little pup brings her smiles and a new focus.


For me - Covid arrived in our house too.  Ron has not been feeling that great and we all have our designated areas in the house.  I keep wiping down surfaces and continue to hope that Sarah and I will stay healthy.🀧😷🀷🏻‍♀️

The good news is that my photo won for Mountaineer Lodge and once everyone gets feeling better, we have a free night to look forward to in Lake Louise!

We all feel a little tired these days.  We are STEELE Standing....we are better together and better with your prayers and support.  We are finding strength by taking one step at a time....sometimes there are little baby steps but we will keep stepping.


Sunday, April 10, 2022

National Siblings Day

I noticed on Facebook that it was National Siblings’ Day.  I thought it was a perfect time to do a post about  “Sister Three.”

As I have mentioned before, we now live in three different provinces.  We haven’t been in the same province together for almost five years.  We were together for our mom and dad’s 60th anniversary in June, 2017.

In about 101 days, we will be back together again.  We are looking forward to reconnecting in person.  We are thankful for our morning video chats but it’s not the same.

So what should I add…Carol is mom, wife, grandmother.  She loves to garden and finds the ocean her happy place.  She loves family and animals.  When the Seattle Sea Hawks play her house is transformed into a game night zone.  She is a super relaxed person.  I saw this last weekend when her house was full and she was calm about where people were going to sleep and what they were going to eat.  She’s my first phone call when I get stressed.

Tina is also a mom and wife.  She has always been a hard worker, sometimes working 2 or 3 jobs at a time.  She has always been up for an adventure and loves sitting by a fire.  She is a great organizer.  She is not a hallmark movie type of a girl.  She doesn’t have her own grandchildren but she has adopted mine as her own.  Now might be a good time to tell a little story about Tina and babies.  When she was young, she wanted a Baby Wet Doll.  She got one.  The idea was to give the baby a bottle of water and then change the diaper.  My dad thought he would play a little trick.  He added a little peanut butter to the diaper. Tina fed the baby doll some water and then started to change the diaper.  All of a sudden Tina didn’t want that doll anymore.  It took a little bit of explaining to get her to want to feed that baby again.

It’s probably not fair to talk about myself.  There are a lot of stories to tell.  I was a pastor’s wife for 19 years and now I’m married to a police officer.  Same guy!  I enjoy travelling, hiking and finding my own quiet space.  I’m counting down to our cottage time.

So Happy National Siblings’ Day!  

We are STEELE a standing!

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Tears are Words Too Painful for a Broken Heart πŸ’” to Speak

Sometimes it is just those days.  There are too many circumstances and thoughts to be able to process.  It’s those days that tears come easy and often.

Yesterday, Tina initiated our morning “Sister Three” chat.  It felt so good to be able to actually connect again.  Janelle had already been there for the one hour of home care.  Mom was busy around the house.  The Occupational Therapist arrived and cut our morning chat short but at least we were able to talk for a bit.

Tina is feeling better but still a little congested and coughs when she talks too much.  Her nerves are raw.  On nice days she just wants to get outside.  We take it for granted when we want to go for a walk.  Tina has to wait for someone to take her now.

This morning, Tina once again started the call.  It is so good to see her looking better. Thelma is spending the day with her today.  We are thankful for the many who have offered to help in any way.  Spending a day visiting is amazing.  

Tina shared with us some of the things that she has been feeling and said that she felt guilty about it because of everything that Carol has gone through.  We agreed that we all have a lot going on.  Life is hard but together we are STEELE Standing.


For Carol…most of her family has left and the house is a little quieter.  They are all grieving and it’s hard.

Carol picked up her new puppy yesterday.  Brendan, Mike’s son, said “it’s the little friend of comfort that you need right now.”

Carol has been overwhelmed with the generosity of so many during this time.  Two of the young boys in the crowd, Cohen and Tyler, wondered how everyone was going to get fed.  At one time there were 26 people.  Food just kept coming in.  Blessings come from all directions and at just the right time.


For me…Ron’s mom has been in and out of the hospital with pneumonia but sounded better today.  They may release her to go back home later today.

And our son had to say goodbye to his sweet dog yesterday.  Tanker was a wild dog running on a reserve in the Yukon when Stephen adopted him. He became the comfort dog for many.  He seemed to sense when people needed a dog hug and he could settle the other dogs down with one growl.

So, we all have a lot going on and I know that everyone does but we are better together and stronger when we can talk about it.  We are STEELE Standing.  We love that you are standing with us and we appreciate your prayers and words of comfort.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Trying to Rise Above the Mountain

Tina hasn’t felt like doing our “sister three” morning video chats so Jenn was around on Monday to be able to fill in the blanks. Any screen time bothers Tina right now and her nerves are edgy.

Tina managed to eat a little bit yesterday but is very weak.   Jenn moved some furniture in the living room to make it easier to get around.  Tina was very tired through the day.

Home Care was reinstated and started this morning.  Tina managed to have a shower with Janelle’s help. Mom spent the rest of the day with her since Home Care is only one hour each morning and Tina needs someone with her all the time right now.

Respite will start this week.  They have been given 4 hours a week.  This means that on Friday, a PSW will come to spend time with Tina. Jenn has tried to organize times for people to be there through each day.

A nurse will come two days a week starting next week to check her vitals and monitor her needs.

A new wheelchair, a transfer bench for the bath and a different walker arrived yesterday.  The lift chair has been ordered and should be there in a couple of weeks. The wheel chair ramp should be installed next week.

Tina has decided to resign from her position at Salvation Army.

Scott “made” supper for the gang last night.  They enjoyed pizza from Pizza Hut.  Thanks Scott.

I’m back home from Vancouver Island and the rest of Carol’s family have left or will be leaving soon.  They will continue to grieve and miss Carter but there was definitely some healing in being together.
Carol’s family

When we were flying back into Calgary, I was praying for the many needs of our family.  I looked down and took this picture.  How huge the mountains are and yet I had risen above them.

When we were allowed to turn on our phones I received this message from a new special friend.
“I lift my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.”  

Tina hasn’t been able to share with me everything that has been happening so I know I will have missed giving thanks to some but we so appreciate those who continue to visit, bring meals and goodies, pray and ask how to help.  

Terry and Carolyn have joined as blog followers.

Together we are stronger and through sickness and grief we are STEELE Standing.  We just may be leaning on others a little harder. ❤️

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sunday Update

I wanted to do a quick update on how Tina is doing.  She made it home from the hospital yesterday.

No one was allowed to go into the hospital to see Tina and they assured mom that it was their job to take care of her. For two days, her ALS meds were not given to her.  At 2:30 am on Saturday morning, after much insisting on Tina’s part, they gave her some.  Tina went through withdrawal from the medication and on top of feeling horrible, this only made it worse.  They also misplaced her prescription vile altogether.

Thankfully, she was discharged yesterday.  Being home, they can carefully monitor her medications and get her back on track.  Tina was diagnosed with pneumonia and is on antibiotics for that.  She still is coughing a lot and has a lot of phlegm to clear.  Carol and I have been going through withdrawal too with not having our daily Sister Three chats.

I’m still on the island to spend time with Carol and her family.  The grieving is real but there is healing with being together.  Some times memories bring tears and sometimes a smile.

We have appreciated everyone who has reached out to ask about how Tina is doing and how Carol is coping.  We are STEELE Standing.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Just Breathe

Some days it seems like it is hard to take a deep breath.  Life is heavy.

Yesterday morning, Janelle, the home care worker came and before she left Tina asked her to call mom.  When mom came, it was decided by the three of them to call the ambulance.  Tina felt like she was “drowning.”

I kept in contact with mom and Jenn to get reports.  No one could be with her at the hospital because of her being in contact with COVID.  That’s hard.  Tina needs help to get a drink, eat or even use the phone.  Thankfully PSWs came to assist.

Last night, Ron and I flew to Vancouver Island and I was very torn whether I should be going east instead.

For a couple of moments this morning, I chatted with Tina.  COVID tests are still negative and the time frame from when she was exposed will be up at midnight which means she can have somebody with her tomorrow.  They think she may have pneumonia and the physiotherapist said that she needs to be helped up to try and clear her lungs.  She has a nasty cough and is very tired.  They will start her on antibiotics which hopefully will give her more relief and help her to breath easier.

This morning, Carol and I hugged, cried and talked over a couple cups of coffee.  The “twinning” in our outfits was not planned.

Everyone here is moving in auto pilot.  Life isn’t the same.  Food is tasteless and sleep is hard to come by.  Carol and I looked out over the ocean this morning and took a deep breath.  Sometimes the only thing that makes sense is that next inhale of air.

I hugged James this morning and said it would be good to go back to when he was 7.  Life was easier then and it was full of fun and expectations.  Sometimes, now it is just hard to get that next breath.

Carol and I talked this morning about trying to look for the positives.  We seem to be surrounded right now by tragedies, terrible diseases, sadness and pain.  We can’t get away from it but we can chose to breathe.  We are family and we are STEELE standing and STEELE breathing.

Thank you for your prayers.  We need peace and we need healing.  We are thankful that you are STEELE standing with us.

Time Goes By

Tears still come when I think of Tina.  It was two years ago today when her fight with ALS ended.  At only 55, my baby sister took her last ...