Monday, February 21, 2022

Family Day

 Tina recently updated a life event on her Facebook Page.

It's still hard to grasp for me and I'm sure it was a shock for a lot of her friends when they read this.  Her update led to a lot of people commenting and sending her messages. Friends are letting her know that she is in their thoughts and prayers.  Some are offering to help in whatever way is needed.  Please continue to keep praying and sending her messages.

On the weekend, Tina's son, Anthony came to visit both days.  He has had a hard time with the diagnosis and needed time to digest the news.  It was so good that he has been there to visit now.  Tina loves to have family and friends come to visit.

Melissa Kelly, a church friend showed up on Sunday with scalloped potatoes, hams and veggies.  What a nice way to help and it sounds so delicious.  Our granddaughter has been checking the meal chain and wondering when she should go to Aunt Tina's to eat the great meals that are being delivered.

Tina has been feeling good and continues to be very positive. 

Today is Family Day!  It's a holiday for most but we didn't take a holiday from chatting even though we were all busy.

Carol just had her son, daughter-in-law and grandson get to their house on the island yesterday.  Tina was at the Salvation Army managing the move from one building to another.  I was in Lake Louise with my hubby and granddaughter.  Technology is amazing.  We weren't able to be together on Family Day in person but we could through a video chat. 

Make every day a Family Day.  We never know what tomorrow holds.  Send those virtual hugs if you can't do it in person.  We are counting down the days until we can be together.

From our family to yours...Happy Family Day!

We are STEELE Standing!

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